I want to tell you about the man in my life. He's kind of short, really hairy, and smells like the outdoors. He loves to cuddle and his favorite activities are taking walks and playing ball. Sometimes he can be really loud though. However, he has a bad habit of getting excited and peeing in the house...
Okay, okay. In case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm talking about Andy's dog, Sancho. Also known as Sanch Brother, Bubba, Snacho, Sanch bro, Sanch, and quite often yelled as SANCHO!!! Andy got Sancho when he lived in Searcy during the semester I was overseas in Chile. I still remember calling collect from an internet cafe in the Atacama Desert and hearing, "I got a puppy today!" Turns out, Sancho is ONE of the best things to ever happen to Andy. not THE best. Let's just make that clear ;)
Sanch brother is part Chocolate Lab, part Weimaraner (we think), and part pogo stick. Seriously, he can jump like 5 feet in the air. It's unreal. Enough jib jab, let's just look at him!
And now I love this dog to pieces. We keep telling him that he's getting a new mommy in a few months. I'm not sure he understands, but he wags his tail so I'll take that as a "You're OK because Dad says your OK", which is good enough for me. Snacho told us he really wants to be in the wedding. So I did some searching and found these precious photos.
Look at his little tuxedo!! So cute.
So pretty! Except Sancho would never be OK with that. He would not rest until he had destroyed every inch of it. Plus, he would probably be a little embarrassed.
This one reminds me of my puppies back home. Rylee is a cripple dachshund who could hop like a rabbit down the aisle. Or Pre could pee on every pew. On second thought, maybe that's a not a good idea...
How precious.
If Sancho hated the flower necklace, he would probably die if he ever had to wear this. He would refuse to walk out of extreme shame.
Now THIS is a trick that Sancho can do. The only down side...we do this with little treats, not very expensive wedding bands. I can only imagine the panic that would ensue when Sancho decided he'd had enough and was ready to eat his treat. "I hope you washed those rings before you wore them...."