Friday, December 17, 2010

Location, Location, Location

Yesterday Andy and I went to look at our second wedding venue! If I could choose one 5 letter word to describe it, it would have to be "gorge" (ous). So what if gorge is more commonly used to refer to a steep and narrow canyon? I like to use it to describe beautiful wedding sites :) This place has everything we're looking for in both a ceremony and reception venue; it's pretty amazing, not gonna lie. BUT there are some drawbacks (you knew there had to be). First, there is no sure-fire way to know if it's going to rain or not (outdoor reception, people). Second, it's a little bit pricier than the first place we looked at. And third, we don't even know if the reception place is available on our date! Those are some pretty big butts! (see what I did there? It's punny!)

For all of you blog stalkers out there (aka Mom and Dad), go check out the place for yourself! It's in a beautiful area called Garvan Woodland Gardens in Hot Springs, AR. Oh, wait...You didn't know that we were having an Arkansas wedding? SURPRISE!!! Check out the chapel.... 

Anthony Chapel at Garvan Woodland Gardens

It's kind of stunning, don't you think? The reception site is also at GWG, but since we're not sure if we can have it, I'm not going to talk about it. It will just get my hopes up!

** DISCLAIMER: This is NOT our final decision. Just an option. However, feel free to tell us how you feel about it in a comment below :) **


  1. YEA YEA YEA. The glass chapel is for sure 'gorge'. The reception site thing makes me nervous about rain, BUT, could you book it and just come up with a plan B just in case?

  2. @Sarah, Sure we could. For a lot of extra money hahaha. We don't want our plan B to look like a "plan B", ya know?

  3. I love this place!!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for everything to be just perfect for you!
